Heavy Pokémon Booster Pack
On this page you will find our selection of Heavy Pokémon Booster Packs. All the packages are therefore weighed and considered heavy, which means that the packages probably contain holo cards.
Pokémon TCG: Dragon Frontiers Booster Pack - Heavy (EX Ruby & Sapphire)
Med en Dragon Frontiers Booster Pack - heavy får du muligheden for at trække de to sjældne og legendariske Charizard og Mew Gold Star. Vær opmærks...
View full detailsPokémon: EX Delta Species Booster Pack - Heavy (EX Ruby & Sapphire)
With an EX Delta Species Booster Pack - Heavy you get the experience from all the way back from the EX Ruby & Sapphire series, where you e.g. g...
View full detailsPokémon TCG: EX Unforseen Forces Booster Pack - Heavy (EX Ruby & Sapphire)
Med en EX Unforseen Forces Booster Pack - Heavy får du bl.a. får muligheden for at trække Umbreon ex, men også Raikou, Suicune og Entai Gold star. ...
View full detailsPokémon: EX Team Rocket Returns Booster Pack - Heavy (EX Ruby & Sapphire)
With an EX Team Rocket Return Booster Pack - Heavy you get the experience from way back from the EX Ruby & Sapphire era, where you e.g. get the...
View full detailsPokémon TCG: Expedition Booster Pack - Heavy (eSeries)
With an Expedition Booster Pack, you get cards from the very first eSeries set. Here you have, among other things, the ability to draw several Char...
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